Utilities - Independent Power Producers

Utilities - Independent Power Producers
Star Symbol Name Price Percent Low High Volume Signal / Notes ER
UN01.DE Uniper
Utilities / Utilities - Independent Power Producers
21.70 5.54% 21.23 21.70
PEGI Pattern Energy Group
Utilities / Utilities - Independent Power Producers
26.74 26.72 26.76
BE Bloom Energy Corp
Utilities / Utilities - Independent Power Producers
13.85 1.91% 13.85 14.00 3.3M 2D low Aug 4
NEP NextEra Energy Partners LP
Utilities / Utilities - Independent Power Producers
69.44 3.33% 68.38 70.25 850K Recent 52W high
VST Vistra Energy Corp
Utilities / Utilities - Independent Power Producers
22.83 -0.26% 22.51 23.35 Rct 52WH
00006.HK Power Assets Holdings Ltd
Utilities / Utilities - Independent Power Producers
49.90 1.53% 49.30 50.15
Star Symbol Name Price Percent Low High Volume Signal / Notes ER

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