
The Trucking Industry is a cyclical sector comprised of companies that provide shipping services, using tractor-trailers, to customers, which are usually commercial businesses. ... The vast majority of revenue is generated domestically, since overseas shipments require either air- or sea-based transportation.

Star Symbol Name Price Percent Low High Volume Signal / Notes ER
USX US Xpress Enterprises Inc
Industrials / Trucking
3.31 0.92% 3.27 3.47 Aug 3
Industrials / Trucking
1.17 -8.59% 1.17 1.28 2.1M Rct 52WL Nov 16
KNX Knight Transportation Inc
Services / Trucking
46.05 -1.56% 45.80 46.91 10D high
XPO XPO Logistics Inc
Services / Trucking
53.65 -1.7% 52.33 54.84 1.2M 5D low Aug 5
ODFL Old Dominion Freight Line Inc
Services / Trucking
261.89 0% 260.69 263.77 6.7M Aug 5
Star Symbol Name Price Percent Low High Volume Signal / Notes ER

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